Friday, September 07, 2007

We are losing our connection to the land

we are losing our connection to the land....

Friday, Sep 07, 2007

Fewer Canadians fishing recreationally

OTTAWA (CP) - The number of Canadians who fish recreationally continues to decline as other activities compete for their leisure time, according to a federal survey.

More than 3.2 million adults fished recreationally in Canada in 2005, down 10 per cent from 3.6 million in 2000, said the survey by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

The number of adult anglers has decreased two per cent annually, on average, over the last 10 years.

The population of adult anglers continues to age, the survey said. More than half of Canadian anglers were in the 45-64 age group, whereas only 26 per cent of the general population falls in that age range.

Anglers caught a total of 215 million fish in 2005 and kept nearly 72 million. "The success of catch-and-release programs is a testament to the importance of conservation to anglers in Canada," according to a news release.

Walleye was the No. 1 species caught in 2005, surpassing trout for the first time since the survey, conducted every five years, was initially done in 1975. Other top species were trout, perch, bass and northern pike.


The same has been happening with hunting in BC. People speak of the 100 mile diet, food security and eating locally, but they are not acting on this by harvesting what is possible with wild harvesting.

When people hunt, fish and gather, they are much more connected with the land and the environment. You have to be aware of the seasons, of the conditions where you are getting your food, and what it takes to get the food on your plate.

In the Victoria area we have a lot of options for wild foods. We have a huge area of ocean to harvest from - that means fish, shellfish, crab, and shrimp. We have blackberries growing everywhere - enough to make all the jam you could ever eat in your life. You can also make juice, dry them and freeze them.

In a typical year I get about 10 crab and about 30 pounds of blackberries. I could do a lot more, but as it stands, I do a lot more than most people do, a lot more.

How do you get people back to using the food that is available?????

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