These are a series of pictures that hung on the wall at my parents house for decades and decades. The pictures were taken by my great grand father Ernst von Stackelberg (1868 - 1941). Since he was over 2 meters tall, he had the nickname was Eifel. One of his photos was used in the December 1939 National Geographic article about Estonia.
I will take some time and add the locations to the captions at a later date, I hope. If you know where the locations are, let me know.

Hi, I think I can help with this -
pic 1 Pikk street
pic 2 Saia käik passage
pic 3 corner of Pühavaimu (Holy Spirit) church with the clock, Pikk street, looking towards Town Hall Square through Saia käik
pic 4 Town Hall square, with the Weights House in the middle (this building doesn't exist any more)
pic 5 corner of Pikk st. and Olevimägi
(I stumbled upon your blog today, had been reading the memoirs of Stackelberg and Dellingshausen and was seeing what info there was on the web).
Timbu in Tallinn
Thank you for letting me know the locations Timbu. Drop me a line at bernard@shama.ca and I can tell you more about Dellingshausens and Stackelbergs
Wonderful photos from my hometown!
And greeting to You as one of desendant of great German Balts!
I just finished reading a book "Im Dienste der Heimat! Erinnerungen des Freiherrn Eduard von Dellingshausen, ehem. Ritterschaftshauptmanns von Estland". And before that i red 2 other historical books about German Balt and their tragic destiny during I world war. So I wondered, did all german balts died out...? I am glad, they did'nt.
And I must say - despite the overall understanding here in Estonia, that german balts ware evel landlords and kept us in a slavery for 700 years - we, estonians, should thank german balts landlords that the european culture remain on this country (Estonia) despite Russian strong influence on 18-th and 19-th century!
And my faverite food id koogel-moogel :-)
and the prominent building in number 5 is the maiasmokk cafe/shop
"1806 – The Estonian confectionery industry was born when the confectioner Lorenz Caviezel opened his candy shop on Pikk Street, Tallinn where the coffee shop Maiasmokk (“Sweet Tooth”) can be found today.
1864 – Mr Georg Stude purchases the confectionery and expands it. Marzipan (‘Marchpane’) figurines and hand-made chocolate candies were the most sought after items of the Stude production line. The Russian Emperor’s Court was one of the clients who ordered sweets from Stude on a regular basis. To make marzipan figurines and assorted chocolates, AS Kalev is using old recipes and craft until these days.
Dear Mr von Schulmann.
I hope you got my message on Facebook about the mural I would like to paint based on one of your Photos?
Waiting for zour reply at kamille@kamille.ee
Very interesting time capsules from my hometown. Thanks for sharing!
Timbu is wrong about No 5: The Stude building is between Pikk and Pühavaimu; next to the clock on No 1. Very nice pictures indeed!
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