Saturday, February 07, 2009

Final Sailing on the Queen of Vancouver

I had to go to Vancouver yesterday on business and used the ferry as I have almost always done, though that may now be ending as my mother died and therefore is no longer there for me to visit when I pass by Tsawwassen. I ended up on the Queen of Vancouver.

I was surprised to end up on this ship as I thought she was now supposed to be out of service. One of the crew told me that last week was supposed to have been her last week.

She is the last of the V class ferries left, the sister ship of the Queen of Esquimalt, Queen of Saanich and Queen of Victoria. The V class were first lengthened in 1970 by being cut in half and adding 84' and then in 1981 they were cut in half again lengthwise to add an extra car deck.

I was told by a crew member that the Queen of Vancouver has moved 1/7 of all the goods and people going to Vancouver Island.

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