Wednesday, October 06, 2010

SIDES - Year two one month in

My son Stephen is now in his second year at SIDES and still very much keen to continue with the home schooling.   He is the 'poster' child for SIDES at the moment, the young blond haired boy on their front page is my son.

Stephen has been mixed in getting started with the school year, he has slacked and produced low quality work.   We have made it clear to him the expectations we have and that if he is going to be a problem he can go back to the regular school.

I should be better up to speed on his curriculum, but I have not spent enough time getting ahead of Stephen on the work. 

I have set Stephen a year long project to work on family history.   This should mean he makes use of research skills, interview skills, write down his results and be able to use a genealogical database.  

The biggest issue I have is what to have Stephen do for PE - he is no longer in gymnastics and has not expressed interest in another sport.  I have had him do an investigation and mapping walk of Cuthbert Holmes park and today he went geocaching with Thomas and Laurel - this was a 9.1 km walk.

Shortly a second son will be taking a course through SIDES.  Daniel is in grade 11 and needs to take Spanish 11 and the offering at Esquimalt does not fit with his schedule.  I have a line on a tutor online to help him, the tutor being in Chiapas.

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